Silver Program
Silver Program Enjoy personalized training for you and your dog!
When you come home to a happy dog who listens to you the first time, day to day life is easier for both of you. This program will achieve those good manners that make people say, “what a good dog!”
Your dog will learn the essentials that every dog should know to achieve good manners both at home and on outings.
You’ll be able to come home, greet your dog calmly, take them for a relaxed walk and have them listen the first time because they’ll understand what you want from them.
What You Get
These inclusions will help you get the best results from working with us during your training program
- 6 private lessons up to 45 min. each
- 3 months membership to the group class
- A full written guide to commands, definitions and their purpose
- A lesson handbook to keep you on track for each session
- Premium quality remote collar
- Quality training collar
- Quality leather training leash
- Small bag of premium training treats
- Training treat bag to help you with your timing
- 30 foot longline for off leash introduction

One of the biggest reasons bad habits stick with our dogs is that they are being rewarded - even by mistake!
When we work together, you'll learn which habits you may have that could be confusing your dog, and simple changes you can make so that you finally think, "oh now I get it!"
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